Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dresden (finally)

I have been looking forward to visiting Dresden for as long as I've known that I was going to be living in Cottbus. So, for about a year. I never got around to it due to the weather, canceled school field trip, being busy, and being lazy. When Lili asked me last week if I wanted to go on Saturday when the weather was supposed to be nice, I said "yes!" The weather turned out to only be nice in the first half of the day, but we hid under an umbrella at a cafe drinking hot coffee when it decided to rain in the late afternoon.

The city reminded me of Prag, Czech. The facades of buildings in the old part of town all look so well cared for and are painted in light colors, like in Prag. I think that the inside of the renovated Kreuzkirche looks creepy and ugly. The broken sculptures resulting from WWII bombings have been left broken while the rest of the once ornate interior is now covered in a rough stucco. I recommend you click over to my Flickr page to see all of my photos from Dresden (don't worry, there's only about 10 photos) and their accompanying commentary.