Thursday, September 23, 2010

Climbing with Mirko

Mirko is belaying me while I climb a cement rock in Guben. I enjoy climbing with Mirko.

Mirko climbs up the wall first and puts the rope at the top of the wall so that the rest of us can climb "top rope" style. He hooks himself to the wall along the way while I stand at the bottom belaying him. Mirko is a bit heavier than me, so belaying him is a mental game of me trying to be as heavy as I can (we also use another rope to hook me to the bottom of the wall!).

Mirko Mirko Bo Birko, My Mirko

Mirko playing with Bardo, a dog we dogsat for an evening. Bardo was such a wonderful jetty.

Mirko tending the grill at an Ultimate Frisbee party.

Mirko smiling at Laurie because he's so happy to have her as his girlfriend : )

Mirko is a native of Cottbus and studies something similar to me: soil and water management. He's working on a "Diplom Degree" which is the German equivalent of doing a bachelor and master all at once.