Friday, November 26, 2010

England, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland, and Ireland

Back in August/September my mother and I took a trip together through England, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland, and Ireland. I know that it is bad of me to only finally now in November be posting something about the trip, but since my entrance into Facebook life, I have been neglecting the blog. But I will not quit this blog because I want Michelle to remain proud of me for maintaining a blog for a long time!
I was very excited to see chalk cliffs in England. I had learned about them in my geology courses and was dying to see such cool rocks with my own eyes.

Since Blogspot has changed it's blog creation settings to a level which only experts can figure out, I have to comment here on the photo below (instead of below the photo). That is Scotland, and of all the regions we saw, I have to say that I loooove Scotland. It's gorgeous.

So, if you'd like to see more photos from our trip, then please visit my Flickr page and enjoy!