Saturday, December 18, 2010

Glühwein nach Oma's Rezept/ Mulled Wine after Grandma's Recipe

Ralf (Trixi's partner), Mirko, and Trixi

This is the mulled wine stand which Mirko's sister Trixi has at the Cottbus Christmas Market. Trixi has had the stand for 15 years. She sells Christmas drinks like mulled wine, lumumba (hot chocolate and amaretto), hot chocolate, and grog (hot water and rum). Mirko works in the booth preparing and selling drinks. I have been helping this year with cleaning up tables (removing empty cups and wiping up spilled drinks). It's cold outside, but it is fun spending time among Germans during this special cultural event.

Christmas Market with the Ultimate Frisbee Team

Laurie's Lumumba with whipped cream on top and Mirko's Mulled Wine with an almond

Mirko, Laurie, and Maik

Members of the Ultimate Frisbee team went to Mirko's family's mulled wine booth to enjoy some delicious Christmas drinks (mulled wine and lumumba).

Christmas Cookies

Josi and I made sugar cookies for the Ultimate Frisbee Tournament. After making the prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th (the smileys), I decorated a few cookies for my own fun.

I also made cookies specially "Für Mirko" (for Mirko, my boyfriend) and "Für Trixi" (for Trixi, Mirko's sister).