Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Aufwiedersehen America

I have had a lovely visit to the homeland. My brother Chris got married to the amazing Julie. My friends Christy and Scott married each other. I met up with good friends. I stocked up on English books. I hugged my dog Molly about a thousand times.

I will be back in Germany come Thursday mornin'. Yay! But, it will be kind of weird to no longer have a car, not to drive in suburban stop-and-go traffic, not have thousands of chain stores available at all hours of the day to support my every need, and be in a lower humidity climate. Of course, this is one of the reasons I go to Germany, for the spice of a different way of life and the challenge of it.

P.S. Aufwiedersehen means "until we see each other again" and not strickly "goodbye", so I am not bidding America "goodbye", rather "farewell until we see each other again".

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