Monday, February 1, 2010

One More Step in the Right Direction for My Life

I love it when life falls in my lap and I don't have to be proactive.

This morning on my way to soil protection class I was chatting with a classmate about our professor. We agreed that he seems a little preoccupied with things other than our class. He said that when he was beginning his Bachelor Thesis (imagine it like a Honors Project or a mini-master thesis) that he considered asking this professor to be his advisor, but decided against it because he didn't think this professor would be a very involved advisor.

Well, at the end of class today the professor said that he had a question for me. He has offered me the opportunity to do paid research work here at the university in soil science. I think it is a lovely idea and I'm very excited that he brought up the offer to me. He suggested we discuss things more after the exam in a few weeks.

Maybe you think I have forgotten the conversation with my classmate this morning and should be wary to work with this professor, but I think it sounds like a good opportunity and I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.


  1. Congratulations! Sounds like a nice opportunity and it's a nice compliment to you that he thinks you can do the job. (He probably knows what you did last Spring) I hope it works out the way you hope it does and that your fears about him b/c of what he said turn out to be nothing. Maybe he learned from his own experience and decided to be a better advisor/mentor than his prof had been for him.
    One question. Do you have time to fit in one more thing into your schedule?

  2. Thank you.

    I realize that the usage of "he" in this write-up can be confusing, but I think you misunderstood things. I was speaking with a male classmate who said that he didn't want our male professor to be his advisor.

    The professor asked me because he noticed that I participate in his class in a manner which shows I am interested in the subject matter. He knew nothing about me besides that.

    I make time for priorities.
