Thursday, May 13, 2010


For those of you who don't know Latin, that title says "Scarab Beetle".

My fantastic friend Lili did my homework for me and found out that my beetle from Park Branitz is most definitely a Scarab Beetle. You can find a picture of one of his relatives at the following website listed under the name Protaetia aeruginosa (near the bottom of the page).

As I mentioned before, Lili is now working on a study project where she is to capture and identify beetles...after skimming down this webpage I do not envy her. Beetles are creepy, like spiders. But, maybe I'm just negatively biased because I think my specimen from last week was barely hanging on to life as he lay on my desk. Due to his ghost movements, he got chucked out the window. I know, I'm an awful person (I live on the 4th floor with a cement sidewalk below). But in my defense, alive means alive and dead means dead; in between is not allowed!

1 comment:

  1. I as going to ask you if your friend Lili had identified him yet and here is your nice little update in your newest blog note. :) Thanks Lili. Enjoy your bug hunting and collecting.

    OK, Laurie, you told me he was dead. Now you say he was dying. Can you imagine what would happen at my work if I said, well that patient is dying, so he's dead to me. Leave him alone. I am not saying you should perform heroic measures to save his life, but he wasn't dead. But that's OK, really. It wouldn't have mattered if he was alive or dead. Better he be near death and you take him home rather than he be fully alive and moving when you took him home. He may have gotten loose in the apartment. Your roommates may not have liked that very well.
