Friday, December 18, 2009

It's Cold Outside!

People seem to think that my body should be "adapted" to cold weather since I have lived in the north my entire life. Let me educate you on this concept of "adaptation".

Adaptation is a process of natural selection which occurs over several generations. A single individual does not change itself to "adapt" to its conditions. Rather, if an individual is naturally made fit to survive in a certain situation, then that individual survives and reproduces future generations with the same natural abilities.

This means, I am not fit to live in the cold and no matter how many years I live in the cold, I will never "adapt". If I were to reproduce, my children would have a good chance of being wimps like me, unless the fitness of their father overruled my lack of fitness.

The Celsius temperature system makes cold temperatures sound so much more exteme than in the Fahrenheit temperature system. It's currently -11 degrees C, which sounds so extreme because it is below the number 0. But, in Fahrenheit it is 12 degrees, which sounds better because it is above 0.

I just remembered that winter temperatures often hover around 10 degrees F. This is a sad realization.

Sometimes in summer I find tank top and shorts to be too much clothes, whereas now I am wearing something like 4 layers on top and 3 on the bottom just to be comfortable. And don't tell me in the comments that it is my lack of extra meat on my bones which makes me cold! I eat! I do, I swear! I eat both healthy and unhealthy foods. I eat my good fats and bad fats. And still, I am cold.

1 comment:

  1. I won't say you have no meat on your bones. But I will agree with you that certain people like cold or hot weather much better than others. And it doesn't matter their age either. Someone in their 80's the other day told me they like the cold weather better! Yikes. That won't be me. I still say, if we could have snow at 70F, I would love it.
    I will say, maybe you should have remembered that little bit of yourself and gone to a university in a warm, even warm year round climate. I know, you like Germany. Well, they get cold like we do honey. They're latitude is even higher than ours!
    That really is cold though, so early in the year. We had a really early, really cold spell a week (or two?, already)ago. I guess it moved across the ocean and has hit you now.
    Good luck keeping warm this winter. I will be thinking of you and hoping you can, not adapt, but be able to tolerate the cold better as the winter proceeds.
