Friday, February 5, 2010

My Head on Paper

After talking with that soil professor a few days, my mind got to fantasizing about my future. This is the image which came to mind. Since I was enjoying dwelling on it so much, I decided to draw it out and share. That's my dog Ihi Lani chillin' next to the car keepin' me company while I carry out my work (for the Soil Conservancy or Dept. of Land Reclamation, perhaps).


  1. This is such a good idea!! I should draw out my future!! Also, I highly approve of your dog's name!

  2. I want to see your future! My image which always comes to my mind for you is highly reminiscent of your work for Prof. Stearley two years ago. I see you sitting at a table identifying animal bones.

  3. Can the table atleast be outside?
