Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Complaint on Humanity

I want to file a complaint on humanity. Well, actually I want to file a lot of complaints, but today we'll stick to one.

I decided in June that August would be my travel month. So, I emailed some people to ask if I could visit anytime in August. They each responded with "sure, when?". Okay, so I chose some random dates assuming their schedules must be absolutely free and clear for the month of August and they would be there if I popped in at any time. They each were satisfied with my chosen dates, but one of them had a discrepancy in my visit time that made me think I should choose a time that was even better for them in the month. I proposed the new date and found out that they actually had something major going on at that time which makes it a really bad time to come. And then as to the other visit, I also find out that if I had chosen a different date, that things also wouldn't have worked out.

Now, when I initially emailed these people saying I wanted to visit anytime in August, I assumed the replies would say, "sure, we are busy on such and such dates so it would be best for you to come at such and such time". They didn't have to tell me what they were busy doing, just let me know that I can't choose those dates. As hosts, they are in control of when I can intrude upon their lives. But no, I had to sit there staring at my calendar playing iny-miny-miny-mo with dates.

A model of excellence in contrast to my complaint: Ute, the lab manager. We had been saying for months that I should visit her at home sometime this summer. So, she told me when she would be on vacation and I was able to suggest a date for a visit which didn't come into any conflict with her life. A golden star sticker for Ute, please.

1 comment:

  1. Does this have anything to do with Austria? If so, I am sorry.
