Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Good Day

Saturday was a good day. Steve came over and we spent the rest of the day together.

We went to the bowling alley and played a few games. It took me a couple of games to warm up, but I finally hit my forte at 151. We had a good time and were nearly alone in the alley because of it being a beautiful Saturday afternoon.

After bowling we walked over to a used book-cd-record-movie store and perused for a while. I am planning on selling or trading a few books with them so that I am not carrying completed books around the country. My landlord has a few books he is also looking to be rid of, so I plan on bringing those books along too.

Being the beautiful summer day it was, our next stop was ice cream! Yummm.

The only definite thing on the day's schedule was attending a production of "Much Ado About Nothing" by the English Drama Society at the university in the evening, before which we would need to eat dinner. So, with a few hours free, we decided to head back to my house and just relax for a while. We asked my landlord for suggestions as to nice Italian or German restaurants for dinner, and he gave us a few suggestions. Incidentally, we found out that he understood the word "nice" to mean, "fancy", so we turned around and found a delicious Chinese restaurant with a fantastic buffet.

The performance of "Much Ado About Nothing" was a little odd, but still enjoyable. For those who aren't acquainted with the play, let it be known that it is a comedy full of spite and whit. The particular rendition we were shown had lots of modern additions which were at times complimentary, and at other times unnecessary distractions from Shakespeare's genius.

Simply said, with fluffy happiness behind every word, "Saturday was a good day".

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