Monday, March 8, 2010

Closing in on a decision: Calling all Devil's Advocates

I make difficult decisions by conversing with myself. I have been going over and over in my head and out loud with people my dilemma about which department at the school I should become involved in. I've decided that I need to decide now, so I put one last push of effort into researching the two departments. The following is my decision, that is, unless any of you can give me a good Devil's Advocate argument to make me think some more. But, you only have until Wednesday morning (German time) to post your comments or send me an email.

Maybe it's because the out-of-this-world character of soil fascinates me. The fact that I don't yet grasp all of its secrets intrigues me. It makes me want to know more and understand more about this entity which is so important to my life and yet generally just gets trampled upon. I don't want to just manage the land, I want to understand it too. I want to see the data and find out for myself what it means: how did humans affect it, what should we do or not do about it, etc.? The environmental planners may feel like they are making a difference when they push paper, but I feel like I make a difference when my hands are literally dirty. I want to know about Soil Protection and Recultivation.

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