Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Doggy Crush: Leo

This is Leo and I have a doggy crush on him.

He's a lovable black lab from the Cottbus Animal Shelter. I mentioned him last week in my post with the small dog and ducks.

Leo's great characteristics are 1) his visual similarity to my number one dog Molly 2) his heartwarming, golden colored eyes 3) his medium length, soft black coat 4) his energy and enthusiasm 5) his calm and 6) his enjoyment of petting, scratching, hugs, kisses, etc. We sat on the river bank today watching the rapids and river flow. It was so nice to have a dog who sat next to me looking as curiously at the river as I was. As I sat there stroking him, he eventually lay down and proceeded to share with me in imagining how beautiful our lives could be together. Actually, I was coincidingly thinking about how much I'd love to live with him, but how I can't because he would freak Steffi out and I would always have to fear a lawsuit because as a dog he is a biting liability (he wears the muzzle because of his dominant temper with other dogs).

So, I just take lovely photos of my crush and treasure the time we have together.

1 comment:

  1. He looks like a good doggie to have a crush on. =)
