Monday, April 6, 2009


Sometimes I wish I couldn't see. The sight of things to buy too tempting and the sight of beautiful and ugly people too easy to superficially judge.
Sometimes I wish I couldn't hear. The love songs on the radio seem ceaseless and the chatter of people distracting.
Sometimes I wish I couldn't smell. The scent of sweets and baked goods too seductive, and the small of bathrooms and body odor too disgusting.
Sometimes I wish I couldn't feel. The pain of sore muscles and stubbed toes unbearable.
Sometimes I wish I couldn't taste. The taste of unhealthy foods so addicting.

Sometimes I'm glad I can see. The loving abyss of dogs' eyes, the red hatched bark pines, the fuzzy body of a funky moth, the fluttering yellow butterfly, the bee cleaning his bottom, the unique flower, and the stream rippling through the grass are awe inspiring.
Sometimes I'm glad I can hear. The thousands of bird songs, the rushing of the tree tops, the woodpecker seeking food in the trees, the trickling of a tiny waterfall, the chorus of a flock of sheep, and the squirrel eating a nut are captivating.
Sometimes I'm glad I can smell. The scent of a lilac, the breeze in a forest, and the spray from a big waterfall are refreshing.
Sometimes I'm glad I can feel. The squish of the mossy forest floor, the weightlessness of a pool of water, my lungs expanded with oxygen after a jog, and the coats of soft-haired cats and dogs so blissful.
Sometimes I'm glad I can taste. The bitter smoothness of dark chocolate, the refreshment of water, the crisp green apple, the spicy dinner dish, and the tasty bread all important to my enjoyment of nourishing myself so that I can see, hear, smell, and feel this amazing world.

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