Friday, July 31, 2009

Article for ADAJ

I have agreed to write an article for the Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan at the request of Bert de Vries of Calvin College. I am nervous and scared. I was able to deal with the thought of writing a masters thesis because it didn't have to be completed for another couple of years, but this article needs to be written and edited by February 2010. I know I can complete the job well, I'm just really nervous about doing it. I read articles and wonder how I will ever be able to write something in article format and with such confidence. I often find articles very rambling and random. So much information is compacted into such a small article. I want my writing to be sensible, but that means I have to make sense of what I know (my data and information), which is always difficult for me to do. Deep breaths Laurie. You can do it.


  1. I have confidence in you. You can do anything you want when you put your mind to it. And you've got lots of time to put it together. Congrats on the chance to get your name in "lights". I'll be glad to look it over and offer advice, if you want me to. We used to do that, remember, in your younger years. If you don't want me to, I understand. After reading many other articles and seeing the things you like and don't like about them or seeing what is "right' and "wrong" about then, as you've said above, should help you with yours. Have fun with it.

  2. you will do a wonderful job! don't sweat it. --steve
