Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Rodent Room

My room is being taken over by male rodents.

As you all know, I've had two adorable rats, Hans and Frans, under my care since around October. Yesterday the Easter Bunny moved in as well.

I have acquired this year old bunny, name Tiao Tiao, from a neighbor of Lili. The neighbor was giving Tiao Tiao away and I figured that since I've managed to figure out how to keep two rats alive, I could also welcome a rabbit into my heart and home as well. I'm letting Tiao Tiao get acquainted with the apartment today and it is really heartwarming watching him hop around. I do have to keep an eye on him though because he likes to nibble! I can tell he's getting comfortable here already because he just lay down against my open bedroom door : )

I hope that my entire rodent clan can be friends in the future. They have now spent one night in neighboring cages and Tiao Tiao has met Frans through the rat cage bars, but I am going to try and wait at least a week before I introduce them to each other with no cage barriers.


  1. I'm going to be a jerk here and tell you that rabbits aren't rodents. The biologist in me must not be silent!

    On the other hand, your rabbit is adorable. I especially like his faux hawk. Is your new bunny an acceptable puppy substitute for the moment? And is he stinky? =p

  2. Maybe I'm just being nostalgic of pre-1912 times?

    I was told that his previous owner had trimmed his hair so that it wouldn't hang in his eyes so much. I'm looking forward to it growing out so that he can roar with a full mane!

    He's a decent puppy substitute. Mischievous for sure. I try to let him roam the apartment for at least an hour every day and during that time I clean out his bathroom corner. If I don't clean up the rat and rabbit toilets at least every 2 days then my room does start to smell a little, well, like a bathroom.
