Friday, May 7, 2010

Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness!!

During my childhood years my mother enjoyed watching made-for-tv movies in the evening. I didn't ever watch these movies with her, to my knowledge. But, one time I did walk in on a movie and acquire a vivid memory which has haunted me for years since. The title of this post expresses such excitement because I finally found out what movie the haunting scenes came from!! And I just watched the movie! Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness!

First, the two scenes which have haunted me, making me scared of the outdoors at night and of people who sit in the dark. In my memory there is a teenage boy trudging across a backyard in the dark with an ax dragging behind him. Then there's a teenage boy sitting on the edge of his bed in the dark but when a little light shines on him you can see that he has blood all over his face.

So, how did I find the movie? Accidentally. I am a fan of the tv shows "How I Met Your Mother", starring the actor Neil Patrick Harris, and "The Big Bang Theory", starring Johnny Galecki. I was browsing the IMDb website for information about the "Big Bang Theory" actors and actress when I came across information saying that Johnny Galecki made a movie with Neil Patrick Harris back in 1993 titled "Sudden Fury: A Family Torn Apart". My curiosity was piqued and I checked out the information on the movie. The plot summary triggered the haunting memory of my mother's movie, so I decided to find the movie and find out if this was "the one".


What a relief. Now that I have some context for my haunting memories I can possibly let go of the fear associated with them. It's really not a scary movie, but I was only 7 when I first saw the scenes, so they made a big impact on me. It is a decent movie and I encourage you to check it out. You can find it on Youtube in 10 minute segments.


  1. I am so sorry that I was the cause of you being haunted by something all this time. I never knew. I kept you away from movies like Psycho and The Birds, knowing they were bad. I never saw things like The Exorcist and Nightmare on Elmstreet and things like that. I had no interest in any more hauntings of my own. The first two movies I mentioned did that to me. I only barely remember the one that haunted you. Only the title really. I do hope, now that you've seen it as an adult, that the hauntings will go away for you.

  2. I'm amazed that you remember this movie at all.
