Friday, March 27, 2009

Dark Chocolate Experiment

I did another experiment tonight. I like experiments. So, I bought the 33 cent dark chocolate bar and the 35 cent dark chocolate bar tonight while at the grocery store. I wanted to taste-test the two cheapest dark chocolate bars against each other. Bar number 1 was extremely good on my first bite! Bar number 2 wasn't so good on the first bite. But, bar number 2 was very good on the second bite! I went back to bar number 1...and it wasn't so good anymore : ( After 2 more bites of bar number 1, it was good again! I think that they probably both taste good, but good in different ways because of their unique brand flavors.

1 comment:

  1. Lali! I wish I could be in Germany and conduct this most important experiment with you!
