Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mmm, Language

Speaking a foreign language, namely German, is like trying to talk with food in the mouth. I have an idea of what I want to say, but I have to figure out how to shape my mouth and tongue so that the correct sounds come out in a comprehensible manner.

In some situations, the verb comes at the end of a German sentence. I am amazed at how often I actually remember this when speaking. It’s like my brain feels that the sentence is missing something and it yells, “The Verb! The Verb!”. All the other essential sentence components are assembled, but the verb makes them make sense. Verbs are like vowels. Sure, you could assemble a whole bunch of consonants, but they don’t make much sense without vowels. If I wrote, “Spn”, no one would know if that’s Spin, Spun, Span, Spoon, or even Spine. Similarly, with verbs, I could write, “I apple”, but my relationship to the apple is unknown! Did I kiss it, bite it, touch it, kick it, or just look at it? Verbs are so wonderful and beautiful.

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