Monday, December 28, 2009

Fireworks (ie little bombs)

I am used to hearing random small explosions in the month of July around Independence Day, but Germany instead fills the end of December with fireworks in celebration of New Year's. And while the people in Detroit typically either infrequently or all at once set off fireworks, the Germans have been enjoying setting the dang things off with frequent frequency. And these fireworks are loud too. Sometimes I even see the glow of the explosion shoot up from behind a building or outside my window. I don't like it.

Firework shows can be really cool with all the different shapes and loud booming coming all at once. But I am not prepared for all of these little private explosions and do not get to enjoy a colorful view after getting my heart boomed. I simply can't imagine what it must be like for the old people here who lived through WWII because if it were me these random explosions would remind me of my world getting slowly blown apart by Nazis and Allies.

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