Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dear Sedigraph, Please be my friend.

It is difficult to operate a temperature sensitive machine in a country which doesn't believe in air conditioning. I have a fan blasting at the Sedigraph machine, but even that isn't doing the job to completeness. Grrrr. The windows are open wide and I am dearly hoping that some of that cool evening air will make its way down here into the basement. My hopes are high; my belief in them is low.


  1. Is it just your lab, or does most of the country really not use air conditioning?

  2. I hate making generalizations, so I have to tread lightly here. I know that the Siemens Company, which owns like half of Erlangen and produces nearly every electronic product imaginable, uses temperature control in their buildings. But, that's a big modern company using modern building complexes. Most German offices are in old buildings. I will have to pay extra special attention now as I ride around town, but I don't recall seeing many window air conditioners in homes or offices (but offices are in the same buildings as homes, so it's all wash). In general (ooh, a generalization!), I can say that when I look at buildings I am often surprised to see windows flung wide open because in the USA it seems that offices, restaurants and homes keep strict barriers between inside and outside.
