Monday, May 4, 2009

Saturday Night

There is one way to spend a Saturday night that is sure to get you giggling and laughing: watching a music video program of One-Hit-Wonders from the last 25 years. For many of these songs I can't decide which is more ridiculous: the lyrics, the hair, or the clothes. And so, I sit here and laugh at it all as one big ridiculous package.

I think I have finally discovered the German translation for the English word “like”. The German word is “quasi”. It has only been since I've been here in Germany this round that I have heard this word spoken by people around me and on television. I think this is a sign of my increasing sensitivity to German conversation comprehension. I began my journey about six years ago with understanding only the merest skeleton of German sentences. I was always curious if there was any even distantly related way to say “like” in German, and now I know. My mind can rest now. Except, it can't rest because it bothers me when people say “quasi”. I don't know if it is how the word is said, the fact that I think we have that word in English as well, or that the first woman I really noticed saying it said it nearly every other word, and over-usage of any word will make me dislike it.

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