Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Being that I am living in Europe, I decided that a trip down to Spain is in store during the semester break in March. I have spoken with a few (female) friends about the idea and a couple have affirmed that they would like to join me for at least a few days. Not that I want to stay a long time, only about 12 days. I have planned it out so that I have time to visit several important cities and attend the only festival occurring in Spain during the month of March (Las Fallas in Valencia). There are many more amazing places possible to visit in Spain, but I have kept my list down to three major cities and the three important cities near them.

Madrid and Toledo

Barcelona and Girona

Valencia and Stagunta

Plans aren't set yet, but I am bursting to share and I didn't want to set anything in stone before any one of you has the opportunity to say, "But...", obviously followed by an amazing suggestion.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun! I am glad you will be going with others and not alone.
    I never had an interest in Spain, although others have told me it's a wonderful place to visit. All I can think of is bull fights and the poor bull. For that, I wouldn't want to go to Spain. I am sure there is much more to see than that. Tell us all about it when you get back.
