Saturday, January 2, 2010

Movies I've Seen Recently

The observant blog reader would notice that my "Movies I've Seen Recently" list has increased in length by about a third over these past two weeks.

The two weeks involving Christmas and New Years are always horrible for normal tv watching because all the regular scheduling is replaced with movies. I usually hate this aspect of the holidays because in the United States movies get edited for television and I never really feel like I can claim to have seen them. German television, on the other hand, wins points with me in that it shows films in their full-length entirety (swearing, nudity, and violence are all there). There is the little downside of the language barrier, so there are still some movies I need to see again in English in order to understand all the jokes and wordplay. But, I've also had the opportunity to see a couple of original German movies, which has been great for cultural education.

Favorite? You're out of luck because I don't do favorites of nearly anything!

Note: "Recently" in my context here means the past 365 days (otherwise known as 1 year). I would wipe out some of the films from last January, of which there are a few, but I like using the list to remember which movies I've seen "recently". Hey, as long as a scientist defines her terms, she's allowed to use them as she wishes!

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