Wednesday, January 13, 2010


On Monday evening Christin invited Steffi, Dominick, and I out to sushi dinner with her and her boyfriend Andres to celebrate her birthday and as a going away event because she'll be moving out soon (to move into an apartment with her boyfriend). Dinner was a jolly and delicious time.

Back at the apartment Christin, Andres, Dominick, and I played a couple games of "Taboo", written as "Tabu" in German. I wasn't sure if I should try playing because the game is all about describing words to your teammate without using a certain group of words listed on the gamecard. I figured I would just be a hindrance to my partner and it wouldn't be fair of me to put someone in such a losing position.

But, I decided to give it a try and I'm glad I did. A great thing about the game is that if you pick up a gamecard with a word you don't know or don't know how to describe, then you can just put it down and pick up a new card. So, did I hinder my teammate? A little, but not significantly. I look forward to playing again!

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