Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bamberg with Pratibha

I like this succession of photos of Pratibha and me. After the photo was taken we both got funny looks on our faces (my face was asking the cameraman if he was done)and then the cameraman took another picture.

Before these photos of both of us were taken, it was just Pratibha sitting pretty on the rock having her photo taken. As a male friend of hers and I approached the scene, Pratibha was totally ignoring us. I took the opportunity to be a bully: I ran up and pushed her right over. Usually when I try to attack people in the snow they brace themselves or are simply too big for me to take down. I finally tackled someone! And, when she looked up from the ground, she thought that it was her male friend who had done it! Oh, how proud I was of myself ; )