Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Upside to Friendship

I am cozied up in my bed as a beautiful thunderstorm delights the world with cracks of thunder, splashes of blue lightening, and rushing rain. I feel rapturous. I recall the time I was on the famous North Shore in Hawaii and I was riding the huge ocean swells. Those immense swells brought forth from my deepest parts laughs of utmost joy. It is times like these ones when I am brimming in all of my bodily parts with nearly numbing happiness.

This amazing extent of glee does not manifest itself in many of life's situations. But, there is one way of tasting this happiness without having to catch a thunderstorm at bedtime or take a trip to Hawaii, and that is through friendship.

I meet all sorts of people every day as I make my way through grocery stores, gas stations, neighborhoods, city streets, and the work place, but only a handful of these strangers will become friends. There must be some common ground which brings us together and then a repetition of meeting opportunities, preferably incidental meetings. An unforced friendship is a beautiful thing. Extensive similarities of personality and interests are not necessary so long as each person respects and loves the individuality of the other. Neither party intends to find a friend, but over time bonds are formed through shared experiences and confidentialities. The friend becomes someone who's thoughts, presence, and actions in my life cause me nearly numbing ecstasy.

It is because friends bring so much sweetness to my life that it is so bitter when friendship related disappointments occur. Oh, this "Bittersweet Symphony called Life."

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