Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Birthday Weekend

The weekend of my birthday was good. On Saturday the 11th of July, I took the train to the nearby city of Regensburg with my friend Baraa and a friend of his. Both of them are Egyptian so I spent a good portion of the day listening to them converse in Arabic. I found it interesting, but didn't understand a word of it. The city wasn't particularly interesting, but I did learn an interesting fact. The royal family of the region has the last name of "Thurn and Taxis". I puzzled over this name because I had no clue what the words meant in German. Thankfully, the cashier in the castle gift shop kindly explained that the names Thurn and Taxis have Italian origins. Ah ha.

On Sunday the 12th of July, my birthday, I began by sleeping in. Sleeping in is always a very positive start to a day. Around Midday I headed over to tour Bamberg with Pratibha and a couple of her friends. Pratibha's friends are from India, so I spent another afternoon listening to incomprehensible conversations, this time in Hindi. Once again, I didn't mind. Pratibha was really keen on climbing the big hill up to the castle and I thought it would be a strenuous waste of energy. But, I went along and was glad I did. The path traversed a wheat field and provided us with a wonderful view of the city. I completed my birthday by spending the evening hanging out with Steve. He introduced me to the tv series "My Name is Earl", which turned out to be a good show. The day was a good beginning to my 23rd year.

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