Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Belgian Fish!

My apartmentmate Christin informed me that the order of the colors on the fish: black, yellow, red, is that of the Belgian flag. So, apparently we were eating Belgian fish, and not German fish, from Austrian waters.

(Please refer to blog entry "Computer Background of the Moment" to see the photo.)


  1. I don't get it about the colors of the flags, but oh well.

  2. Mother dearest, look at the fins on the fish near to the heads. You will see that they are colorful. The order of the colors: black, yellow, red, are the order of the colors on the Belgian flag.

  3. Ugh. OK, now that I have enlarged the picture, I do see the colors black, yellow, and red on the fish at the bottom of the picture. I never would have noticed that if it wasn't pointed out to me. I am surprised Christin noticed.

  4. You're frustrating me. Am I not always putting up a reminder note to enlarge the pictures in order to see them well? And didn't I write in the first entry about the colors that it was me who noticed it? Christin simply informed me that the order of the colors was Belgian, after I showed her the picture and told her about the fins being colored.

  5. OK, you're right. I am having senior moments and getting slow. I am getting better about remembering to enlarge the pix, but forgot to do it for the fish picture(didn't think I needed to the first time I looked at them; they're just fish). Then I didn't know you were using that picture for your wallpaper until you said to look back at that particular blog. Then I just remembered that Christin had mentioned about the order of the colors was wrong. I wasn't even thinking about who said it first at that point. Sorrrrrrryyyyy. :( I don't mean to frustrate you.
