Sunday, September 6, 2009

Cottbus Life

I love to show off my bicycles, so here's a photo of my newest bike. It's a used one-speed in good working order. I bought it at a bike shop, so I had the guy raise up the seat and handlebars to fit me before I agreed to buy it. You may be thinking, "a one-speed!", but I assure you that Cottbus is a very flat city, so I'll be okay. The brakes are interesting because the back brake is controlled by pedaling backwards but the front brake is controlled by the right hand on the handlebars. This freedom for the left hand has actually been quite useful these past few days as I transported items home from stores either actually in my left hand or being held in the basket by my left hand. Come October my university ID card will be my ticket for all public transportation, so I will have a backup to the bike.

This is a fountain outside my apartment building which I can see from my living room. That's a lizard crawling around on top. It looks really cool in the daytime, but when I rode by it at night, my brain went into fantasy mode and saw the big mass of the lizard as a monster which was waiting to pounce on me.

I was out hunting for a pajama t-shirt and found the perfect one. Translation: Ausser Betrieb = Out of Order. I'd been dreaming of buying a t-shirt with German words on it and I am very glad I found this one.


  1. I am glad you got a good bike this time. I like the fact that it has a basket so you can carry things, like groceries, etc. The fountain is interesting, but is something to look at. The t-shirt is just weird. Are you saying your brain is out of order? No? Oh, it's just a t-shirt with German words on it. OK.
    It will be nice when you get your student ID so you can ride the oublic transportation when and if you want to. Would that be reduced fees for students?
    Are there any parks or any places of interest to ride your bike like you had in Erlangen? I hope so. I know you enjoy that. But then again, once you are studying, you may not have much time for that kind of stuff. The flat land sounds easier to ride but boring. Too bad the university couldn't have been somewhere near the mountains. Not so it would be harder for you to get around, but for the scenic beauty of it. Oh well.

  2. The shirt is supposed to mean that when I'm going to bed and waking up, my brain is out of order.

    I "may" ride the public transit right now, it's just that with the ID card I won't have to pay. The payment is built into my tuition payment.

    Cottbus has some very nice nature. There's a river called the Spree with trees and fields surrounding it which I ran along yesterday. Flatness is okay if you have plenty of trees to fill up your view. Just like most of Michigan.

  3. Ah, now I understand the shirt. Makes sense. Thx

    Of course you can ride the public transit right now and pay. I just wondered if you got a discount with the student ID. Payment built into your tuition? I thought you said tuition was free. Huh?

    I am glad there are nice, interesting areas to jog and ride. I know you'll like that.
