Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cottbus Points of My Interest

I was thinking today about how tiny European refrigerators are and I decided that I wanted to make a map of my neighborhood to show the locations of grocery stores so that people could understand how easy it is to get more groceries since the fridge empties out in just a couple of days. I thought that I was going to have to work in Paint and create a scary looking map as I do not own a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) program. But, I made a cool discovery today that Google is providing first-class tools to the modern man. Below you will find a link to a map I made in Google's personal map making program. The scope of my map expanded a bit once I realized that I didn't have to work in the finicky Paint. Have no fear to roam about the map and click on the icons/lines to get info on what they represent, but don't zoom in or out because then the icons will be in the wrong spots.

Welcome to my neighborhood.


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