Monday, September 7, 2009

The Mystery of Bruises

The acquisition of bruises is sometimes a very strange thing. At times it is very obvious to me where a bruise came from because I remember the moment I yelled, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!". Other times, I find a bruise in a strange place and wonder, "how in the world did that get there?".

A few days ago I had a circular bruise under my right upper arm. It was as if I had slammed my arm down on a circular object which had a whole in the center of it.

Yesterday I found a bruise at the meeting place of my left thigh and knee cap. It's as if I was sitting at a table somewhere and raised my leg up too quick.

But when and where did I do these self-destructive acts? If only I had a mental surveillance tape and could rewind it to the times of the crimes.

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