Sunday, September 6, 2009


Today is such a beautiful day for a jog: cool, misty, and windy. I know, it sounds crappy, and for bicycling it is. But, I find that it is the perfect weather for jogging. I never quite realized this back when I was doing track because we had to stand around so much waiting for our events. I enjoy these days for jogging now. The whole weather combo enables me to keep cool while I am pouring out sweat.

I fulfilled a long time dream a few days ago and invested in a barbell with changeable weights. I am tired of having weak arms that look so scrawny. I want to be able to pick up and carry heavy things like most people. I remember back in my freshman year of high school I had PE class and we spent time working out in the gym frequently. The next year when I no longer had PE class, I noticed how my arm muscle mass had deflated. All I've got to do is a little work each day in order to improve myself.

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