Saturday, September 26, 2009

New Town, New Tune

Remember how when I was in Erlangen I said that the sound of the ambulance played in my head all day long, whether there really was an ambulance going by or not?

Well, new town, new tune.

The doorbells in my apartment building are three long descending tones, which remind me of the NBC theme, but isn't. It's rare for the doorbell of my apartment to ring, but I hear my neighbors' doorbells all day long. And, because it is such a distant sound, I am not always sure whether it is just an echo in my head or the real thing.


  1. I'm writing inside your head. This is interesting. I would've written outside of your head but it didn't seem possible. OH well. I'm glad your doorbell reminds you of a american prime-time television. You know Leno is on after Conan now?

  2. This could be a powerful tool, ya know? Being able to INJECT THOUGHTS into someone else's mind? BWAAHAAHA

  3. Wow, sounds like someone needs to go run around outside for a while! You're kind of goofy right now : )

    I thought that Leno was on before Conan, only an hour earlier than it used to be?

    It really could be a powerful tool if there was some sort of message being said. Of course, maybe the building is trying to get me to think about NBC... But, I just realized that NBCs tones go from low to high to in the middle, whereas my doorbell is just descending tones. Hmm, but I still think about NBC, even if it doesn't fit perfectly.
