Sunday, September 6, 2009

Home Sweet Home, Cottbus

On Tuesday I traveled with the train up to Cottbus. I discovered that there is a train ticket special offer in Germany called the "Quer Durch Land Ticket" (across the country) which is a much cheaper way to travel through multiple states than to buy normal tickets.

Stefi came down for the day from Berlin to receive me into the apartment since Christin was at work until late in the evening. There had been someone renting my room for the month of July, so there was still Christin's loaned out air mattress waiting for me to use until I got my own bed. I was grateful to have a place to sleep until I could get my own furniture. Stefi returned to Berlin that evening, but both she and Dominick will move back in at the end of September.

Here's a brief introduction to my new apartment-mates:
Stefi is entering her second year at the university and is studying to be a building contractor.
Dominick is also entering his second year at the university and is studying Business.
Christin completed one year at the university, but decided it wasn't for her and changed to a vocational training program for business. She works as a salesperson at a furniture store for 3 weeks and then does one week of schooling (and then repeats the cycle).

I spent the rest of the week taking care of business at the school, city office, getting a bicycle, and furnishing my room. The last resident left behind her desk, so that was one thing I didn't have to worry about. I made a trip over to Christin's furniture store and made use of her employee discount. It didn't make a big difference in the bill, but enough to be worth it. I spent half of Saturday putting the bed and shelf together. I decided that if a friend ever asks for my help in cleaning or cooking, then I'll be ready at hand, but if the request is for assistance in furniture assembly, then you can count me out!

So, last night was my first night in my mostly completed bedroom. It felt nice to be home.

1 comment:

  1. So, I see you are nbow in Cottbus. You had said you were going to move there in Sept., but I wasn't sure how soon in Sept. Now I know, in answer to my question. So you didn't need help moving your things b/c it was only a couple of suitcases of stuff? That train ticket sounds like a good idea. I am glad you are "settled in" to your new "home" alright. I am glad you like your new apartment. It's not quite as quaint as living in a house, but it's like being back to student housing again and I am sure you will meet more students/people this way.
    Mrs. Door told me at church this morning that they are going to be in Berlin some time in the next few weeks for about 4 days. She had asked how you are and where were you. I said I wasn't sure right now where you are, but that you were going to be moving to Cottbus, southeast (right?) of Berlin this month.
