Sunday, September 6, 2009

Prag, Czech Republic

It's been quite a week for me, and now it is time to let my neglected publicum know what I've been up to.

Last week on Friday I traveled to Prag with a group of 13 others from the international youth bible study. We spent Saturday, Sunday, and half of Monday touring around the city. Everyone had told me that Prag is a beautiful place and I was preparing myself to be disappointed, but they turned out to be right. Prag's nickname is "The Golden City" and it is a very apt name. Within the old city, nearly every building has ornate architecture and many are painted in yellow tones. The effect of the sunshine, which we were grateful to have, put the golden city aglow.

Here's a culture fact I was astonished to find out: the Czech Republic still uses its own money, the Koruna. If I recall correctly what someone said, it is only in 2013 that they will officially move over to the Euro. The map above shows which countries are already using the Euro (green) and which are not (purple). Source: This is a good map to keep in mind for future travels in Europe.

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