Monday, September 21, 2009

Berlin Marathon 2009

My friend Baraa was visiting Berlin this weekend to spend some time with his Egyptian friends in celebration of the end of Ramadan. He invited me to go up and hang out with them. When he first mentioned that he was in Berlin, I thought, "Wow, so far away". It took me a few minutes to remember that I don't live in southern Germany anymore. So, I took the train up there Sunday morning and then returned in the evening.

The annual Berlin marathon happened to be taking place on Sunday, so we saw a stretch of that as we walked from Alexander Platz to the Brandenburger Tor. There were lots of musical groups entertaining and encouraging the runners along the route. 40,000 people were registered in the race and around 35,000 crossed the finish line. This marathon is considered to be one of the fastest marathons in the world due to the flatness of the course. It was very inspiring to see people of all ages, shapes, and sizes, pushing their ways along the course. Okay, maybe not "all" shapes, but definitely some shapes which made me think, "If they can do it, then I could easily do it." But, I had the number 26 in my head, and I forget that a marathon is 26 miles and not 26 kilometers. When I go for my weekly jog, I only do about 6 kilometers. A marathon is 42 kilometers. So, multiply my distance by 7...Yeah, not gonna happen. Inspiration gone.

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