Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bye Bye Birdies

The bird family is gone. About a week ago I noticed that there didn't appear to be any babies in the nest anymore and the parents were only infrequently sitting on the nest together. I've been checking in every day to make sure that they are really gone, and I've concluded that it's true.

I don't know what kind of birds they were, but I asked my ecology professor one day about what he knew of birds having babies in the Autumn. He explained that some birds lay eggs 2 of 3 times during the Spring, Summer, Autumn mating season as long as the weather remains decent. Well, I'm not so sure these birds were good judges on "decent" weather, but I guess my theories on accidental late-season mating were probably wrong.

Maybe they'll return to their nest in the Spring!

The Other Half of the Story

I used to have this habit when I frequently wrote in my journal of only writing when I was frustrated, nervous, or mad, and then only including a happy tale every once in a while, which gives a lopsided picture of the inside of my head. I will try not to do that to you guys because you are an interactive audience and I don't want to give you a lopsided picture of my head. Then again, I tend to only write happy things on this blog, so a little dose of my frustrations, nervousness, and madness is actually what this blog needs to even things out (opposite to the journal situation).

A Chinese girl from my program invited me over for lunch today after class. She said that she's only a first level cooker, but I found it none-the-less tasty in its simplicity. It was really nice talking with her. We talked a lot about our different cultures. I learned a lot about China! And, it was a really interesting exercise to explain American culture. What I really found great though is when she said, "I feel like I share more similarities with you as a female American than I do with males from my own culture", which was a reference to what our ecology professor had said last night, "Male humans share more similarities with monkeys than they do with female humans." We had a good time and it made me happy.

Bye Bye Building/ And the Walls Came Tumbling Down

Remember how I said that there were some buildings in my neighborhood which were empty? Well, a couple of them are in the process of getting torn down today.

If your refer back to my beginning of October entry titled "View from my Living Room", you will see this big empty building which is getting torn down.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday Night Special

Tuesday nights are good nights in my apartment. The "new" episodes of "The Simpsons" and "Two and a Half Men" are on tv, and we are all fans of at least one of these shows. (I put "new" in quotes because American shows are often repeats to me because of the delay between US and German airings. I'm expecting things to be actually new in the Spring or next Summer.) I personally have been bored with The Simpsons since several years ago, so I only come out for Two and a Half Men. It's nice to sit around in the living room enjoying sitcom jokes together.

Tonight was extra special and we played a game of Settlers of Catan. I think I've only won this game once in my life, but I still enjoy sitting around with people and enjoying their competitive company.

Monday, October 26, 2009

People are Complicated (Myself Above All)

Some people have got minds which can comprehend mathematical concepts as if it were second nature. Some people have the love and patience to be kindergarten teachers. Some people marry and divorce 4 times, but still believe in love enough to get married a fifth time. Some people write lots of novels because they have alternate realms in their minds. Some people have the wires crossed in their brains and can't function in "normal" society. Some people are successful in their work but suck at their personal lives. Some people are successful in their personal lives but suck at their work.

I've been told many a time that it is the vast variety of personalities which make human society so great. I've been told to just be confident and happy with who I am, no matter what anyone else thinks. I've been told to seek my own happiness by doing whatever makes me alone happy.

And just when I think I've figured it, I am in a new situation or meet a new person who stirs up trouble in my happy little head. The trouble is that everything and everyone has positive and negative attributes. Sometimes even that which I love is that which frustrates me.

What do you get up for each day? What drives you forward? Christin said that looking forward to a concert a month in the future inspires her. For some people it is the hope that a new situation or place will make life more exciting. For students it is often the goal of finishing the semester. For 9-5 workers it is looking forward to Friday.

I used to think that I was a cold-hearted, mean person. But, I hate being mean. I feel incredibly awful when I am mean. So, although sometimes I am a little cruel, I think that in comparison to most other people, I am actually incredibly nice! And this is why I now think that I don't deserve the cruelty others impose upon me, even when they are "just joking".

Here's some questions which can probably be found as the titles of articles on internet magazine websites, but which trouble me.

How do you make friends?

How do you start a conversation?

What topics are actually interesting in a conversation?

What controls a conversation: what you want to say or what you think the other person wants to hear?

How do you end a conversation (without using a lame excuse)?

How do you numb yourself to everything in the world which hurts and just focus on the positive, the productive, the good?

I tried hiding from the world by continuing to sleep this morning even after I wasn't tired, but all I got for my efforts were frightening dreams (a lizard stabbed his fangs through my comforter!!!!)

Senior year at Calvin College was such a great year. I had friends in my apartment, friends in the apartment next door, and friends in my classes. I felt loved.

People might think that I'm full of confidence and happiness because of my over-compensating personality, but I'm really just reaching out for any fish which will bite (Okay, not just any fish because my cruel side has had to show its face a couple of times for unwanted friendships. I totally believe that I'm allowed to be picky.). I just have to figure things out in a short time period cause I only got 2 years this time.

People tell me that we are all in the same boat and feeling the same way. If this is true, then why doesn't it feel like it? Why does it feel like the person I am talking to is judging me in a negative way? Why does it feel like the person I am talking to isn't really listening and doesn't care about what I am saying? How do I know if someone wants to talk to me if I am the one who approaches and starts the conversation? How do I shift my fake confidence to real confidence?

This blog entry has been inspired by many people, which might even include you, so please comment with your most truthful and personal responses.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mission: Scout out Laurie's bedroom

Frans wanted to make sure he scouted out every reachable place in my bedroom. I had removed the clean sheets, towels, and blankets from the bottom shelf after he had already checked them twice, so he decided he had to check out the next level of clothes. I was actually hoping he would continue to scale the shelves, but this is as far as he went.

Ultimate Frisbee

I need to learn to not fall down when I play Ultimate Frisbee. Or, at least share the wealth with my other knee every once in a while...

I'm not sure how I got the bruise lower down since I only recall falling on my knee.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rats (Say it with enthusiastic discouragement)

Saying, "Hey, don't bite me you little rat" becomes so much more appropriate when there really is a rat on the floor nipping at your feet.


Here's what's on the docket for my first semester of the Environmental and Resource Management Masters Program at Brandenburg Technical University in Cottbus, Germany.


Soil Protection and Ecotoxicology
This course is all about soil, from how it forms, activities which take place in soil, and human impacts on the soil including the negative contaminant inputs and the positive attempts at reducing and removing contaminants.

Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment
I don't know a lot about this topic yet. I do know that these are comprehensive management methods in which environments are assessed in order to provide governments with advice on what actions should be taken on projects which could significantly affect the environment. Example: Where to build the next major highway.

Introduction to Environmental and Resource Management 2
In this course all of us first year masters students will learn about how to write scientific papers and masters thesis'.

General and Applied Ecology
I think the name says it all.

Aquatic Ecology

Again, I think the name says it all.


Ultimate Frisbee
I chose this sport because I wanted a sport where I would have to run a lot, teamwork was involved, and I wouldn't have to learn a whole lot of new skills. It turns out that there are a lot more ways to throw a frisbee than I ever imagined, but with practice I hope to improve.

Animal Lovin'

Animal Shelter
Going to the animal shelter to walk dogs on Tuesday afternoons still fits in my course schedule.

Any time I am in my bedroom, they are present either sleeping, eating, or bickering. They are permitted the roam of my room when I release them to do so and on individual bases they may join me on my lap in the living room for t.v. watching.


I don't know if I would say that I have any friends quite yet. I have made acquaintances with several people, but only time will tell with whom I form bonds.
There are about 25 of us who are first semester ERM (Environmental and Resource Management) masters students. Only one of these people is actually German. Our international population originates from places like Mexico, France, Kenya, Camaroon, Great Britain, Pakistan, and China.
The educational and experience backgrounds of my fellow students is varied. Many of them previously studied some branch of engineering. The person with the most similar educational background to me is the German who studied Geo and Atmospheric Sciences in Austria. One person worked for four years as a chemical engineer before starting this program. Another person worked for four years on an oil rig ship calculating the amount of chemicals being dumped into the sea. This is the second masters degree for another person.
The motivations for studying are interesting to hear. The people who have held jobs say that they have worked in the system and now want to improve it. The Africans want to return to their villages and help improve the qualities of life there.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

New Roommates: Hans and Frans

Hans and Frans, Steve's soft, cuddly, adorable rats have moved in with me! I have been entrusted with their love, kisses, and care during the year-long absence of Steve while he resides in a less friendly part of the world (ie Afghanistan).

*It sounds best to say "Hans and Frans", but in the photo it is actually Frans on the left and Hans on the right.

Society for Creative Anachronism: Crown Tourney

I spent my last weekend before the start of classes at a weekend-long Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. crown tournament event. Steve wore his Landsknecht clothing (Landsknecht: Renaissance Period, wealthy German mercenary) and I borrowed a female viking outfit from someone. The main events were watching several men compete in sword fights for the position of King and a feast. Sadly, the temperatures were cold and it rained all day Saturday, but nonetheless we had fun socializing and making merry.

Bird Family

I found both Mama and Papa bird sitting on the nest today. I had been contemplating the question: How do the babies and one of the parents all fit together in the nest? But, now that I see both parents sitting on the nest I have come up with a reason for how and why they manage that. I'm figuring that as the babies get older and bigger, it becomes difficult for just one parent to cover up the babies during inclement weather. So, both parents sit next to each other on the top rim of the nest. I can't imagine it's comfy, but what do I know about being a bird.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Germany's lack of organization

Germany is trying to drive me insane. It really is a terrible thing to have to face the rest of the world after experiencing the such wonderfully organized Calvin College. The university here makes everything so much more complicated than need be. So, the university gives each student an ID card. This card is useless though until you go to a special machine and "activate" the chip in the card. Then, you have to go to a special computer and register for an account. This special computer is in the same room as the special machine, but their ***** ain't any signs telling you that you have to visit both the machine and the computer! And then, because the university apparently doesn't have the computer know-how to centralize student info (already obvious by the activating and registering), each student has to register at the library in order to be able to check out media or view library materials online. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr.

In the spirit of not letting Germany drive me insane, I will mention one process here which was much easier than in the United States. When someone wants to walk dogs at the Kent County Animal Shelter in Grand Rapids, Michigan, a class with a quiz held every few months must be attended. In contrast, all I had to do here was bring proof of my most recent tetanus shot and my ID on my first visit, then I was good to go.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Valentine's Day (2010)

There's a movie scheduled to come out in February 2010 titled "Valentine's Day". I think the movie was just an excuse for a bunch of Hollywood's biggest names to hang out, make-out, and try to bring in an enormous amount of cash. You should really check out the cast list on because they got everybody!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Clothes: More than just a piece of cloth

I have added a new set to my photos on Flickr titled "Clothes: More than just a piece of cloth". The photo set follows well the theme of "welcome to my head" as you will enter my mental realm of memories and thoughts dear to my heart.

Knitted a New Blue Scarf

How do I justify the hours I spend watching prime-time television? I knit a pretty blue scarf at the same time!

I am proud to say that I don't think I made one single mistake in my pattern. But, it's not like Christin didn't try to mess me up because she definitely did! You see, the pattern consisted of stitching two times in the back and then two times in the front. At the beginning of the project I had to count "one, two, one, two" in order to remember where I was at. Christin decided to try and mix me up by randomly saying "one, two, one, two". So, without telling her or Andre, her boyfriend who was also in the room, I chose to say "nine, ten, nine, ten" in order to keep myself straight. Well, at some point Andre cried out "Nein" in response to something said or done to him, and as I mentally stumbled to figure out if I was on "nine" or "ten", I reprimanded myself for forgetting that although they have completely different meanings, the English "nine" and the German "nein" are pronounced pretty much the same way. Obviously, I had to choose a new sequence of numbers that had no German relatives. There were of course several options available, but I had to avoid anything with the word "four" because that too sounds like the German "vor" (means: before). I settled on "five, six". After a few days I didn't have to count anymore because my body had developed a sense for the rhythm of the pattern.

And now I have a pretty new scarf! Any Christmas requests?

Baby Birds

If you click on this picture to make it bigger, you should be able to see several gray fuzzy creatures in that nest. I don't see them move around too much, but maybe I'm just too far away or maybe they don't move much so that they don't attract unwanted attention from predators. I've been watching the parent sit over them during rainy weather and it amazes me that they all fit together in that tiny nest.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tag der Deutschen Einheit

Today Germany celebrates "Tag der Deutschen Einheit" (Day of German Unity). This year is the 20th anniversary of a united Germany.

I heard the announcement on the radio last night that today was going to be a holiday. I had been planning for days that today would be the day when I went grocery shopping. I decided that I wouldn't rush out and get groceries because I had enough to last me until Monday. It wasn't until Christin mentioned the holiday and said she was going to go grocery shopping that I seriously contemplated going out. But, I still didn't want to go. And then, I realized that I didn't have any more chocolate in the apartment!! Well, right then and there I realized that I had to go, even if it was 9:30pm.

If you recall from the past, I told you that the German grocery stores are only open until 8pm on weeknights and closed on Sundays. Well, things are a little different---for the better---in the old East Germany. Rewe, one of my local grocery stores, is open until 10pm on weeknights. And, if I recall correctly, I read on the Edeka sign that they are open for a few hours on Sunday afternoons.

Bella's Getting Bigger!

That is definitely the face of a darling! Well, Julie is a darling too, but I mean the adorable doggie Bella!

Friday, October 2, 2009


I need to stop using the word "um" in my written speech as the sound of me thinking. It's starting to confuse me when I read my writing because "um" is a German word with an entirely different meaning than "I'm thinking".

For the curious minds, "um" in German means:
about (adverb preposition)
at (preposition)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

View from my Living Room

I've shown you views of my building and the courtyard and now I want you to see what I see when looking out! These are views from my living room. As you can see, I get to spy on the lizard on the fountain. There's some sort of media communications building directly across from the apartment. And the view to the left is another group of apartment buildings. Hiding behind those buildings is the Aldi grocery store. The apartment building on the left side is completely vacant and there's a fence surrounding it, so I'm crossing my fingers that it is going to be torn down soon. Why would I wish such a terrible thing upon a building, you may ask? Well, because getting torn down is what happens to buildings in my neighborhood and it would be really fun to watch. From what I am told, just a year ago there was an apartment building across the field behind that media communications building. The building behind the apartments across from my bedroom (on the inside of the courtyard) is also vacant. I find it kind of creepy to pass by empty buildings, but thankfully I don't necessarily have to pass by any of these empty buildings unless I choose to.

Bird Babies in Autumn?

In this tree outside my bedroom there is a bird family. From what I understand, it's not normal for birds to have babies in Autumn, but I guess this family wanted to be a little different. Maybe Ma and Pa took a long time dating around before they found each other and fell in love. Maybe they got back late from winter vacation last Spring. Maybe they are both more book-smart than practical-smart and couldn't figure out how to build a nest. Maybe they are just idiots because they've got at least 4 baby birds in that nest who don't have enough time to grow up before winter comes.

In the News

As of the recent elections last Sunday, Angela Merkel is continuing her role as chancellor of Germany.

An outdoor concert was canceled a few weeks ago due to the neighboring restaurant/inn finding out that only one porta-potty was scheduled to be present for the expected 100 or more concert attendees.

It's around the time of the anniversary of my stupidity, but also of my great learning experience. We shall commemorate this anniversary by each doing what we love and being true to our selves. And, I want to thank you all for never once laughing at me.