Saturday, October 17, 2009


Here's what's on the docket for my first semester of the Environmental and Resource Management Masters Program at Brandenburg Technical University in Cottbus, Germany.


Soil Protection and Ecotoxicology
This course is all about soil, from how it forms, activities which take place in soil, and human impacts on the soil including the negative contaminant inputs and the positive attempts at reducing and removing contaminants.

Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment
I don't know a lot about this topic yet. I do know that these are comprehensive management methods in which environments are assessed in order to provide governments with advice on what actions should be taken on projects which could significantly affect the environment. Example: Where to build the next major highway.

Introduction to Environmental and Resource Management 2
In this course all of us first year masters students will learn about how to write scientific papers and masters thesis'.

General and Applied Ecology
I think the name says it all.

Aquatic Ecology

Again, I think the name says it all.


Ultimate Frisbee
I chose this sport because I wanted a sport where I would have to run a lot, teamwork was involved, and I wouldn't have to learn a whole lot of new skills. It turns out that there are a lot more ways to throw a frisbee than I ever imagined, but with practice I hope to improve.

Animal Lovin'

Animal Shelter
Going to the animal shelter to walk dogs on Tuesday afternoons still fits in my course schedule.

Any time I am in my bedroom, they are present either sleeping, eating, or bickering. They are permitted the roam of my room when I release them to do so and on individual bases they may join me on my lap in the living room for t.v. watching.


I don't know if I would say that I have any friends quite yet. I have made acquaintances with several people, but only time will tell with whom I form bonds.
There are about 25 of us who are first semester ERM (Environmental and Resource Management) masters students. Only one of these people is actually German. Our international population originates from places like Mexico, France, Kenya, Camaroon, Great Britain, Pakistan, and China.
The educational and experience backgrounds of my fellow students is varied. Many of them previously studied some branch of engineering. The person with the most similar educational background to me is the German who studied Geo and Atmospheric Sciences in Austria. One person worked for four years as a chemical engineer before starting this program. Another person worked for four years on an oil rig ship calculating the amount of chemicals being dumped into the sea. This is the second masters degree for another person.
The motivations for studying are interesting to hear. The people who have held jobs say that they have worked in the system and now want to improve it. The Africans want to return to their villages and help improve the qualities of life there.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the wonderful update. I was going to click on interesting, but it wouldn't let me, so you get a personal response instead.
    I guess 5 classes isn't too bad since you most likely won't have to do homework or write papers for ultimate frisbee, unless the homework includes practicing throwing it.(Paul was playing ultimate frisbee this summer)
    Quite the variety of backgrounds and cultures of the students in your program. Should be fun working and interacting with all of them.

    Yeah, watch out for those rat bites, They may not be rabid, but they could still hurt.

    I am so glad you can still take your furry friends out for walks; that you still have the time in your schedule. I am sure they are glad too, the friends, that is.
