Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Other Half of the Story

I used to have this habit when I frequently wrote in my journal of only writing when I was frustrated, nervous, or mad, and then only including a happy tale every once in a while, which gives a lopsided picture of the inside of my head. I will try not to do that to you guys because you are an interactive audience and I don't want to give you a lopsided picture of my head. Then again, I tend to only write happy things on this blog, so a little dose of my frustrations, nervousness, and madness is actually what this blog needs to even things out (opposite to the journal situation).

A Chinese girl from my program invited me over for lunch today after class. She said that she's only a first level cooker, but I found it none-the-less tasty in its simplicity. It was really nice talking with her. We talked a lot about our different cultures. I learned a lot about China! And, it was a really interesting exercise to explain American culture. What I really found great though is when she said, "I feel like I share more similarities with you as a female American than I do with males from my own culture", which was a reference to what our ecology professor had said last night, "Male humans share more similarities with monkeys than they do with female humans." We had a good time and it made me happy.

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