Friday, November 27, 2009

Flickr Photos!!

Please tune in to Flickr to see new photos of Cottbus, food, and nature. There's even an opportunity for you to help me solve a mystery!

1 comment:

  1. No idea what those berries would be. Have you asked them at the local nursery or a horticulturalist, maybe at the university?
    The meal, well... I wouldn't like the onions either. And it looks like worms on your plate. Sorry.
    If that coal is so inefficient and dirty, why do they bother using it? And does it cause polution in the air that can be bad for you?
    I like the picture of the early morning sunrise and the library building is a cool looking building, but I wouldn't like to get up for class at 6 am either. I can't imagine you liking it. I am glad the class is worth it to you. Makes it easier. What class is it, btw?
