Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Rat House: Before and After

I completely cleaned out the rat cage a couple of days ago and then put in tons of new crumpled up paper. I covered every surface of the cage with the paper so that I could see where Frans would decide to build the nest, which side the bathroom would be located on, and if any paper would be left not included in the nest.

As you can see, Frans got to work and brought nearly every piece of paper into the nest. As of today when I am writing this, the only paper remaining not in the nest is about 5 pieces up on the top, right shelf.

I tried to create a tunnel out of a brownie box for them to run through, which Frans did do a couple of times, but then they flattened it during the nest building efforts.

In answer to my questions of where the new nest and toilet would be located, they remained in the same places as before cleaning.

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