Sunday, November 1, 2009


I went down to the on-campus club on Halloween to enjoy a metal concert. I didn't want to dress up in a frightening way, but I did enjoy the opportunity to be more creative with my appearance. The music was decent and my cool look made me feel confident enough to chat with some people.

Then I came home and gave Frans some lovin' as thanks to his Daddy for inspiring me and giving me confidence to be myself (in both its bold and quiet forms).


  1. I know you aren't wearing black nail polish. Or at least I can't see it, but this look is too goth for me. It isn't the Laurie I know. You may feel like you "fit in" more with the crowd, but it isn't you. And one shouldn't have to change themselves that much to fit in. If they have to, it's sad. I liked you better as the sweet downhome kind of girl I knew before. Just my opinion of the look. If it was just for Halloween, as a costume, OK. If not, please don't change to something you really aren't. I don't mind if you are trying to be creative, but I don't think this is the real you, no matter what you say. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I don't really know you, any more. I'm glad you had a good time and had fun, but please don't change.

  2. It was Halloween and I was going out on the town. It was fun doing something out of the ordinary. As you can see by popping into Flickr, I looked like my normal self the rest of the week.
